While many businesses were happy to hear that Windows XP recently got a reprieve from Microsoft, I was less than thrilled. It means that Internet Explorer 6 – the default browser with XP – is still alive.
And not only is it alive, it’s growing according to research firm Net Applications. While I don’t agree with the way that Net Applications tallies its data from visits to a certain number of sites, these numbers worry me. It means someone, somewhere is still using IE6.
Not only does IE6 not follow most conventional web standards, It’s also loaded with vulnerabilities, including 24 unpatched ones according to security firm Secunia.
Take a little time out of your day to make sure you’re not using Internet Explorer 6
Maybe upgrade to Internet Explorer 8.
Or try something different like Mozilla’s Firefox.
Or Apple’s Safari.
Seriously, there is no excuse for you to keep using that festering piece of garbage known as IE6. You’re just bringing down the rest of the Internet.