Don’t look now, but there’s something new dangling between the blue donkey’s legs.
After taking it on the chin since Republicans took power of Congress in 1994, the Democrats are taking charge, and it’s about time. One party can’t rule forever.
It started with a seemingly harmless nonbinding resolution that didn’t seem to be worth the paper it was written on. But it spoke out against the war, which was something that had been silenced in the halls of Congress.
It passed the House and was railroaded by Republicans in the Senate. But it sent a message and started a train of momentum that picked up during our spring break.
First was the fervor over the firing of eight U.S. attorneys. The White House said it was bad performance, but it looks like partisan politics because Karl Rove, President Bush’s chief of staff, has his fingers in the pie.
When the Senate Judiciary Committee decided it was time to subpoena people, including Rove, to testify about the firings, Bush made a weak counteroffer.
He said Rove and other officials would be more than willing to testify – only if they weren’t under oath and there were no transcripts.
Under those terms, a person could claim they leg-pressed 2,000 pounds, made sweet love to the wife of every woman in the world and shot Mr. Burns.
The old Democrats from a year or so ago would have waddled into a corner with their tails between their legs moaning, “Oh, woe is me.”
Instead of giving up, the Democrats are fighting back.
They essentially gave the finger to the president’s empty proposal and plowed ahead with their investigation.
A shocking revelation is coming out of all this. There are Republicans who are siding with Democrats on this issue. Sure, the president’s been polarizing and is becoming a lamer duck every day, but this is real progress toward – gasp – bipartisanship.
In reality, this sudden dose of chutzpah the left is showing is inspiring people to realize that one group can’t be in power forever. All you need to do is look at how far the GOP has fallen since the 1994 election.
The issues started with welfare reform and a commitment to families, and mutated into the beast that won the last presidential election while forcing the evils of gay marriage and abortionist baby-killers down our throats.
It’s amazing what happens when you mix religion and politics, then stick them in the back of the refrigerator for a good 12 years. It turns into a mess of corruption and a total bastardization of values.
After all, isn’t the GOP supposed to be the party for small government that stays out of our lives? To get elected, members sold out those values and decided to attack the bedrooms of Americans as well as women’s bodies.
This disease isn’t limited to one party. After 12 years, I’m sure the Democrats will leave us all screaming for a change.
Part of today’s change involves the action Congress is trying to take to curb global warming. Whether you believe in it, like Al Gore, or think it’s a big hoax, like Sen. James Inhofe, R-Okla., it’s still an important issue.
Instead of being put on the back burner and ignored, global warming is actually being discussed in a civil way.
When Inhofe tried to take control of a hearing on the issue, he was reminded by Sen. Barbara Boxer, D-Calif., of what happens when one party has ruled for too long and the people have had enough.
She showed him her gavel and said, “Elections have consequences, so I make the rules.”